
Let’s talk a little bit about some of the consequences of those mistakes. 

Increased Project Costs

The first is that project costs can absolutely escalate very quickly, to where the project that was previously justified and competitive moves immediately to being uncompetitive with your industry peers. The types of costs that we’re talking about can quickly be plus 20% versus your peers.

Delayed Project Schedule

Schedules can be impacted either because of rework or additional work that has to be done late. It can also be a plus 20% on the schedule. With no advance planning, mistakes can happen.

Delay of Other Projects

Another consequential impact of that is other valuable projects that were also planned can’t be staffed properly, because your team is spending time recovering from the projects where the mistakes were made. 

Projects often get staffed late when you realize after the fact you have other work that needs attention. And it could be a combination of you just don’t have the right people on the bench available with the skills to do this additional work, or you can’t afford the resources to do the work because it wasn’t in the original authorized budget. 

Going Ahead Anyway Almost Always Takes Longer and Costs More

Many times, folks will say, “Well, let’s just go ahead anyway – let’s get on with it – this is a fast-track project, and we really must get done on time.” One thing is certain, going ahead anyway almost always takes longer and costs more.

VIDEO FROM BATTS: A proven FEL approach can and does reduce the impact of these mistakes

As you can see, there are a lot of mistakes that can impact your overall cost of a migration project. The later these mistakes happen in the job, the more they’re going to delay progress and hurt the company. What we’ll transition to quickly is that a proven FEL approach can and does reduce these impacts if you invest the time and energy in doing a best-in-class FEL.